Hier & Fort

Wußten Sie ...?

... in Hille, da spricht man deutsch oder in einigen Dörfern der Gemeinde vielleicht auch noch Platt ... die Schüler heute zum Teil gleich mehrere Fremdsprachen ... aber mit dem Zuzug von Flüchtlingen - auch - eine kaum zu überblickende Vielfalt an uns gänzlich fremden Sprachen.

Das Hiller-Web-Blatt nutzt - zur Verbreitung der Inhalte an Mitbürger, die der deutschen Sprache nicht mächtig sind - die neuesten technischen Möglichkeiten, sich - beispielsweise über den Google Übersetzerdienst, der hier hier (siehe unten) integriert ist - dieser Problematik anzunehmen! Aber, richtig angewandt gehören Menschen zu einer Verständigung dazu, deshalb engagieren wir uns zusammen mit Leuten aus der Flüchtlingshilfe, die mit deren Verbindung, die entsprechenden sprechenden ausländischen Ansprechpartner kennen und einbeziehen möchten!

18.03.17 - "Aktion saubere Landschaft" (FO)

Eine Schmähkritik der Jüngeren:

Wie jedes Jahr, seit Jahrzehnten ... einmal mehr, der Versuch, vor der eigenen Haustür zu kehren! Dieses mal, etwas weniger und vor allem weniger junge Leute, die dem vom Vereinsring Rothenuffeln organisierten Spektakel - in aller "Samstagsfrühe" folgten. Die Aktion ist nach wie vor gut und mit besten Absichten versehen ... aber verstehen, die "Altvorderen" warum womöglich die "Junghintenanstehenden" nicht kommen? Am Beharren auf alten Zeiten, "... das war immer so ... wer lange schläft ist ein Faulenzer ... ?!"

Jugendliche feiern, beschäftigen sich heute bereits Freitags mit lang andauernden Freizeitaktivitäten ... sie arbeiten in der Woche jedoch genauso ... freuen sich aber auf ein mögliches Kräftetanken, durch ein zeit-adäquates Aufstehen. Dies ist, um ca. 8:10 Uhr, mit Frühstück ... um auf 9:00 Uhr auf der Matte zu stehen, nicht gegeben. Selbst die Kirche fängt in den meisten Gemeinden heute erst um 10:00 Uhr mit den Gottesdiensten an ... wieso kann es nicht möglich sein, auch bei dieser Aktion einmal Rücksicht auf die zu nehmen, die Rücksicht zur Natur walten sollen ...!
Die ersten Gruppen waren um ca. 11:00 Uhr bereits fertig, mussten aber eine zeitlang warten, bis die Bratwurst zur Entlohnung - zum Mittagessen - auch schmeckte ... die eine Stunde mehr Wochenende, wäre also gut angelegt.

18/03/17 - "Action Clean Landscape" (FO)

An insulting criticism of the younger ones:
Like every year, for decades ... even the attempt to clean up its own back yard! This time, a little less , and especially less which is organized by the association ring Rothenuffeln spectacle young people - homed in all "Saturday morning". The action is still provided good and with the best intentions ... but understand that why perhaps do not come "ancestors" "Junghintenanstehenden"? At the insistence on old times, it was always so ... who sleeps late is a slacker ...?!

Young people celebrate deal today already Friday with long-lasting leisure activities ... but they are working during the week as well ... but looking forward to a possible regain strength through a time adequate standing up. This is, by about 8:10, with breakfast to stand on 9:00 on the mat, not given. Even the church begins in most communities today until about 10:00 at ... why it can not be possible, even with this action again to take into consideration that consideration should exercise to nature ...!
The first groups were already finished at about 11:00 pm but had to wait a while until the sausage to pay - for lunch - tasted ... the one hour weekend would be so well spent.

Eine Schmähkritik an (manchen) Raucher:

Nein, "Rauchen gefährdet ihre Gesundheit" ist ihre eigene Sache, die Warnhinweise auf den zugehörigen Schachteln, sollten Raucher für sich selbst interpretieren. Aber ... der Spruch macht anders einen Sinn, wenn man die Aktion "saubere Landschaft" nach-betrachtet ... es müsste heißen: "Raucher gefährden unsere Umwelt!"

Waren es vor Jahren, amerikanische Schnell-Imbiss-Verpackungen und davor selten nicht anonyme Alkoholiker ohne Pfandflaschen, die die Umwelt verschandelten und über die sich trefflich ärgern ließ ... sind es heute unbedarfte Raucher, welche prozentual einen der höchsten Wiederfindenswerte aufweisen! Wie ist das zu erklären, da schleppen diese volle, schwere Schachteln mit sich herum und werfen die leeren, leichten dann einfach in die Natur?!
Wenn diese (häufig) nicht einsehen wollten - nach den neuen Rauchergesetzen dies aber müssen - nicht überall rauchen zu dürfen ... ist dies vielleicht deren billige Retourkutsche?!

An insulting criticism of (some) Smoker:

No, "Smoking damages your health" is its own thing, the warnings on the corresponding boxes should interpret smoking for themselves. But ... the spell makes you different meaning when the "Clean Landscape" Action after-considered ... it should read: "Smoking endanger our environment!"

Had it years ago, American fast-snack packaging and before that rare non-anonymous alcoholics without returnable bottles, which blighted the environment and left on the resent admirably ... today there are inexperienced smokers, which percentage have one of the highest recovery value! How can that be explained because drag this full, heavy boxes of up to around and throw the empty, light simply in the nature ?!
If these (often) did not want to see - after the new smoking laws but need - not to smoke everywhere ... this is perhaps their cheap tit for tat !

Eine Schmähkritik an einen Halb- bis Vollidioten:

Im Nachbardorf Haddenhausen, wird auf deren Facebook-Dorfseite, öfters nach Müllsündern mit Fotos deren Hinterlassenschaften gefahndet, ja diese sogar auf erkennungsverwertbare Verursacher-Spuren durchforstet ... teilweise sogar mit Erfolg!

Auch hier könnte ein Aufruf nach jemanden gestartet werden, der seine Reste vom Tappezieren einfach so an einer Bushaltestelle (!) entsorgte ... die Frage könnte lauten, wer kennt jemanden (Vollidioten) mit einem solchen Tappetenmuster an dessen Wänden?

An insulting criticism to a half to complete idiots:

In the neighboring village Haddenhausen is on their Facebook page Village, gefahndet their legacies often for garbage sinners photos, so they crawled even on recognition actionable polluter tracks ... sometimes even with success!

Again, a call for someone could be started, simply so his remains from Tappezieren at a bus stop (!) ... disposed of the question might be, who knows someone (idiots) with such Tappetenmuster on the walls?

.. aber die Antwort könnte auch lauten, dass es sich dabei lediglich um einen Halbidioten gehandelt haben könnte, der die "Aktion saubere Landschaft" vielleicht einfach nur als "Sperrmüll zum rausstellen" verstanden hatte?

Wie auch immer, wäre schön ... wenn der Betreffende - sollte er sich ertappt sehen - einmal darüber nachdenken würde!

.. sei es drum, "so sieht ein Straßenrand gut aus" ...

... but the answer could well be that it could have this event was merely a half-idiot "Operation Clean Landscape" perhaps simply as "bulky waste to rausstellen" had understood?

Anyway, would be nice ... if the person - he should see caught - one would think about it!ls?

... so let it be, "like this a roadside looks well!

18/03/17 - "Action Clean Landscape" (FO)

An insulting criticism of the younger ones:
Like every year, for decades ... even the attempt to clean up its own back yard! This time, a little less , and especially less which is organized by the association ring Rothenuffeln spectacle young people - homed in all "Saturday morning". The action is still provided good and with the best intentions ... but understand that why perhaps do not come "ancestors" "Junghintenanstehenden"? At the insistence on old times, it was always so ... who sleeps late is a slacker ...?!

Young people celebrate deal today already Friday with long-lasting leisure activities ... but they are working during the week as well ... but looking forward to a possible regain strength through a time adequate standing up. This is, by about 8:10, with breakfast to stand on 9:00 on the mat, not given. Even the church begins in most communities today until about 10:00 at ... why it can not be possible, even with this action again to take into consideration that consideration should exercise to nature ...!
The first groups were already finished at about 11:00 pm but had to wait a while until the sausage to pay - for lunch - tasted ... the one hour weekend would be so well spent.

18/03/17 - "العمل النظيفة المناظر الطبيعية" (FO)

انتقاد إهانة من الأصغر سنا:
مثل كل عام، على مدى عقود ... حتى محاولة لتنظيف الفناء الخلفي الخاص بها! هذه المرة، قليلا أقل ، وخاصة أقل الذي يتم تنظيمه من قبل عصابة جمعية Rothenuffeln مشهد الشباب - المخزن في كل "صباح اليوم السبت". و العمل لا يزال قدم جيدة وأفضل النوايا ... ولكن فهم أن السبب ربما لا تأتي "الأجداد" "Junghintenanstehenden"؟ في الإصرار على العصور القديمة، وكان دائما هكذا ... الذي ينام في وقت متأخر هو المتهرب ...؟!

الشباب يحتفل صفقة اليوم الجمعة بالفعل مع الأنشطة الترفيهية طويلة الأمد ... ولكنهم يعملون خلال الأسبوع أيضا ... ولكن تتطلع إلى إمكانية استعادة قوتها خلال وقت كاف واقفا. وهذا هو، بنحو 08:10، مع وجبة الإفطار على الوقوف على 09:00 على حصيرة، لم تعط. تبدأ حتى الكنيسة في معظم المجتمعات اليوم حتى حوالي 10:00 في ... لماذا لا يمكن أن يكون من الممكن، حتى مع هذا الإجراء مرة أخرى أن تأخذ في الاعتبار أن النظر يجب أن تمارس من الطبيعة ...!
تم الانتهاء من المجموعات الأولى بالفعل في حوالي 23:00 لكنه اضطر الى الانتظار بعض الوقت حتى النقانق لدفع - لتناول طعام الغداء - تذوق ... في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ساعة واحدة ستنفق على ما يرام.

An insulting criticism of (some) Smoker:

No, "Smoking damages your health" is its own thing, the warnings on the corresponding boxes should interpret smoking for themselves. But ... the spell makes you different meaning when the "Clean Landscape" Action after-considered ... it should read: "Smoking endanger our environment!"

Had it years ago, American fast-snack packaging and before that rare non-anonymous alcoholics without returnable bottles, which blighted the environment and left on the resent admirably ... today there are inexperienced smokers, which percentage have one of the highest recovery value! How can that be explained because drag this full, heavy boxes of up to around and throw the empty, light simply in the nature ?!
If these (often) did not want to see - after the new smoking laws but need - not to smoke everywhere ... this is perhaps their cheap tit for tat !

انتقاد إهانة من (بعض): مدخن

لا، "الأضرار التدخين صحتك" هي شيء خاص به، ينبغي أن التحذيرات على علب المقابلة تفسير التدخين لأنفسهم. ولكن ... موجة يجعلك معنى مختلف عند "المناظر الطبيعية النظيفة" عمل بعد النظر ... و كما يلي: "التدخين يهدد بيئتنا!"

وكان قبل ذلك سنوات، الأميركي وجبة خفيفة سريعة التعبئة والتغليف وقبل ذلك غير مجهولة نادرة المشروبات الكحولية دون الزجاجات المرتجعة، التي ابتليت البيئة واليسار على بالاستياء رائع ... اليوم هناك عديم الخبرة المدخنين، التي مئوية واحدة من أعلى قيمة الانتعاش! كيف يمكن أن يفسر لسحب كامل هذا، وصناديق ثقيلة تصل إلى حوالي ورمي فارغة، وعلى ضوء ببساطة في الطبيعة؟!
إذا كانت هذه (غالبا) لا تريد أن ترى - بعد قوانين التدخين ولكن الحاجة الجديد - عدم التدخين في كل مكان ... ولعل هذا هو رخيصة من العين بالعين !

An insulting criticism to a half to complete idiots:

In the neighboring village Haddenhausen is on their Facebook page Village, gefahndet their legacies often for garbage sinners photos, so they crawled even on recognition actionable polluter tracks ... sometimes even with success!

Again, a call for someone could be started, simply so his remains from Tappezieren at a bus stop (!) ... disposed of the question might be, who knows someone (idiots) with such Tappetenmuster on the walls?

انتقاد إهانة لنصف لاستكمال البلهاء:

في قرية مجاورة Haddenhausen هو على الفيسبوك صفحة قريتهم، gefahndet الموروثات في كثير من الأحيان لالقمامة الخطاة الصور، بحيث زحفت حتى على الاعتراف المسارات الملوث للتنفيذ ... وأحيانا حتى مع النجاح!

مرة أخرى، يمكن أن تبدأ مكالمة لشخص ما، ببساطة حتى رفاته من Tappezieren في محطة للحافلات (!) ... التخلص من السؤال قد يكون، الذي يعرف شخص ما (البلهاء) مع مثل Tappetenmuster على الجدران؟

.. but the answer could well be that it could have this event was merely a half-idiot "Operation Clean Landscape" perhaps simply as "bulky waste to rausstellen" had understood?

Anyway, would be nice ... if the person - he should see caught - one would think about it!ls?

... so let it be, "therfore a roadside looks well!

... ولكن الجواب يمكن أن يكون جيدا أنه كان يمكن أن يكون هذا الحدث مجرد نصف احمق "عملية تنظيف المناظر الطبيعية" ربما ببساطة باسم "النفايات ذات الحجم الكبير إلى rausstellen" قد فهم؟

على أي حال، سيكون من الرائع ... إذا كان الشخص - فإنه يجب أن نرى اشتعلت - يمكن لأحد أن تفكر في ذلك!

18/03/17 - "Action Clean Landscape" (FO)

An insulting criticism of the younger ones:
Like every year, for decades ... even the attempt to clean up its own back yard! This time, a little less , and especially less which is organized by the association ring Rothenuffeln spectacle young people - homed in all "Saturday morning". The action is still provided good and with the best intentions ... but understand that why perhaps do not come "ancestors" "Junghintenanstehenden"? At the insistence on old times, it was always so ... who sleeps late is a slacker ...?!

Young people celebrate deal today already Friday with long-lasting leisure activities ... but they are working during the week as well ... but looking forward to a possible regain strength through a time adequate standing up. This is, by about 8:10, with breakfast to stand on 9:00 on the mat, not given. Even the church begins in most communities today until about 10:00 at ... why it can not be possible, even with this action again to take into consideration that consideration should exercise to nature ...!
The first groups were already finished at about 11:00 pm but had to wait a while until the sausage to pay - for lunch - tasted ... the one hour weekend would be so well spent.

8/03/17 - "د عمل پاک ورکيږي" (د حکوم)

د کشر هغو یو سپکاوی انتقاد:
هر کال په شان، د لسیزو ... حتی هڅه د خپل بېرته انګړ پاکولو! دا ځل لږ لږ ، او په ځانګړې توګه لږ چې د ټولنې د حلقوي Rothenuffeln ننداره ځوان د خلکو له خوا تنظيم - د ټولو "د شنبې په سهار" په homed. د عمل اوس هم ښه او سره د ښه نيت برابر ... خو پوه چې ولې ښايي کوئ "د نيکونو" "Junghintenanstehenden" نه دی راغلی؟ په پر کلن ځله د ټینګار، چې دا کار تل دومره وه ... چې بيده ناوخته یو slacker دی ...؟!

ځوانان تړون نن مخکې د جمعې په سره اوږد تل پاتې تفریحي فعالیتونو لمانځي ... خو هغوی د اوونۍ او همدارنګه د په ترڅ کې په کار بوخت دي ... خو د امکان تر لاسه قوت ته سترګې په يو وخت له لارې پر مخ مناسب ولاړ. دا له خوا په اړه 8:10، ده، سره د چای پر 9:00 د پوزی ولاړ، نه ورکول کيږي. حتی د چرچ کې د ټولو ټولنو تر په اړه نن پيل شوه 10:00 په ... ولې دا کار امکان نه وي بيا، حتی دغه اقدام ته په پام کې ونیسي، چې په پام کې بايد د طبيعت څخه برخمن ...!
لومړۍ ډلې د پخوا په اړه 11:00 بجو پای ته خو د یو داسې حال کې انتظار تر کوکوی ته ورکړي - د غرمې ډوډۍ - وڅکله ... د یو ساعت اونۍ به په ښه ډول مصرف شي.

An insulting criticism of (some) Smoker:

No, "Smoking damages your health" is its own thing, the warnings on the corresponding boxes should interpret smoking for themselves. But ... the spell makes you different meaning when the "Clean Landscape" Action after-considered ... it should read: "Smoking endanger our environment!"

Had it years ago, American fast-snack packaging and before that rare non-anonymous alcoholics without returnable bottles, which blighted the environment and left on the resent admirably ... today there are inexperienced smokers, which percentage have one of the highest recovery value! How can that be explained because drag this full, heavy boxes of up to around and throw the empty, light simply in the nature ?!
If these (often) did not want to see - after the new smoking laws but need - not to smoke everywhere ... this is perhaps their cheap tit for tat !

18/03/17 - "العمل النظيفة المناظر الطبيعية" (FO)

انتقاد إهانة من الأصغر سنا:
مثل كل عام، على مدى عقود ... حتى محاولة لتنظيف الفناء الخلفي الخاص بها! هذه المرة، قليلا أقل ، وخاصة أقل الذي يتم تنظيمه من قبل عصابة جمعية Rothenuffeln مشهد الشباب - المخزن في كل "صباح اليوم السبت". و العمل لا يزال قدم جيدة وأفضل النوايا ... ولكن فهم أن السبب ربما لا تأتي "الأجداد" "Junghintenanstehenden"؟ في الإصرار على العصور القديمة، وكان دائما هكذا ... الذي ينام في وقت متأخر هو المتهرب ...؟!

الشباب يحتفل صفقة اليوم الجمعة بالفعل مع الأنشطة الترفيهية طويلة الأمد ... ولكنهم يعملون خلال الأسبوع أيضا ... ولكن تتطلع إلى إمكانية استعادة قوتها خلال وقت كاف واقفا. وهذا هو، بنحو 08:10، مع وجبة الإفطار على الوقوف على 09:00 على حصيرة، لم تعط. تبدأ حتى الكنيسة في معظم المجتمعات اليوم حتى حوالي 10:00 في ... لماذا لا يمكن أن يكون من الممكن، حتى مع هذا الإجراء مرة أخرى أن تأخذ في الاعتبار أن النظر يجب أن تمارس من الطبيعة ...!
تم الانتهاء من المجموعات الأولى بالفعل في حوالي 23:00 لكنه اضطر الى الانتظار بعض الوقت حتى النقانق لدفع - لتناول طعام الغداء - تذوق ... في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ساعة واحدة ستنفق على ما يرام.

An insulting criticism to a half to complete idiots:

In the neighboring village Haddenhausen is on their Facebook page Village, gefahndet their legacies often for garbage sinners photos, so they crawled even on recognition actionable polluter tracks ... sometimes even with success!

Again, a call for someone could be started, simply so his remains from Tappezieren at a bus stop (!) ... disposed of the question might be, who knows someone (idiots) with such Tappetenmuster on the walls?

يو نيم ته يو سپکاوی انتقادونو ته احمق د بشپړولو لپاره:

د ګاونډي کلي Haddenhausen پر خپل فیسبوک پاڼه کې د کلي د ده په، خپل میراثونو لپاره د کثافاتو د ګناهګار عکسونه زياتره gefahndet، نو دوی هم په رسمیت د عمل polluter تعقیبوي crawled ... ځینې وختونه حتی د برياليتوب!

يو ځل بيا، د چا لپاره يوه غوښتنه کولای شي پيل شي، په ساده نو په یو بس تم ځای څخه Tappezieren د هغه د پاتې (!) ... دفع د پوښتنې کېدای شي، چې د چا (احمق) سره لکه Tappetenmuster پر ديوالونو باندې پوهيږي؟

An insulting criticism to a half to complete idiots:

In the neighboring village Haddenhausen is on their Facebook page Village, gefahndet their legacies often for garbage sinners photos, so they crawled even on recognition actionable polluter tracks ... sometimes even with success!

Again, a call for someone could be started, simply so his remains from Tappezieren at a bus stop (!) ... disposed of the question might be, who knows someone (idiots) with such Tappetenmuster on the walls?

. خو ځواب کیدای شي ښه وي، چې دا به لري په دې پيښه کې یوازې یو نیم بختې "د عملیاتو پاک ورکيږي" وه ښايي په ساده ډول د "ټوکر او د کثافاتو ته rausstellen" يې پوه شو؟

په هر ډول، به غوره ... که هغه کس - هغه باید وګورئ ونيول - یو به په اړه دا فکر!

... to be continued!

Zwischenbemerkung vom Admin ... das Überprüfen einer muttersprachlichen Übersetzerin (Dank an Carolin), hat ergeben, dass die Google-Übersetzungen weit ab, einer verständlichen, fehlerfreien Art sind!

Hier der Beweis, zunächst Google dann das Muttersprachliche:

Like every year, for decades ... even the attempt to clean up its own back yard! This time, a little less , and especially less which is organized by the association ring Rothenuffeln spectacle young people - homed in all "Saturday morning". The action is still provided good and with the best intentions ... but understand that why perhaps do not come "ancestors" "Junghintenanstehenden"? At the insistence on old times, it was always so ... who sleeps late is a slacker ...?! 

For decades there has been the Event of "Keep Nature clean" every year, organized by the association Rothenuffeln. An attempt to clean up in front of your own front door. This time with slighly less participants, especially less young people, that followed the event in the early hours of Saturday morning.The event is still well organized with all the best intentions but it seems that the "older ones" in the front line haven't quite understood why the "young ones" in the back row stay away.Insisting on things being done as they have always been done, suggesting that the ones having a sleep in are lazybones...?!

Interpretation für die weitere Arbeit:

Zur Demo, mag der einfache, automatische Weg geeignet sein - aber (und dies ist gut) benötigte man für eine echte Verständigung auch echte Menschen, die zu-arbeiten ... dies könnte z.B. bei der Ausschreibung des EON-Westfalenbewegers, von Nutzen sein ... weil eben Fördergelder hierfür gebraucht werden!
